
Lansinoh Laboratories Fair Processing Notice / Privacy Policy Published Date: 05/24/2018
As an organization, we are committed to protecting your personal data by implementing the best possible practices. This privacy policy describes your rights as a visitor to the website or a customer of Lansinoh France SAS (hereinafter “Lansinoh”).
This policy also presents various information on the rights you have over your personal data, as well as on how we collect, use and share this data.
Lansinoh undertakes to comply with all data protection legislation in force in the countries in which we are present as well as to communicate in an open and transparent manner about the use we make of your personal data. . The entry into force of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aims to harmonize European law in this area and will have to be transcribed into the national law of each of the Member States. Lansinoh recognizes its obligation to comply with this law, as well as with all local laws applying to other countries.
This privacy policy is made up of different sections presented below which provide detailed information relating to your rights and the way in which we process your personal data. It also contains external links to sources of more detailed information on many of the areas it covers.
We draw your attention to the fact that many links provided in this privacy policy refer to sites external to Lansinoh. Although every care is taken to ensure that these links are valid and relevant, we have no control over the security, legality or reliability of the information provided there. In the event of a faulty link, please contact our Data Protection Team, whose contact details can be found under the ” About us” section. “.